Mail time with Foamers


Dear Foamer Talk,

How do you sleep at night? What’s wrong with you? Why are you such a monster?!? I hope your mutant land shark eats you when you sleep! God bless you.


A disgruntled Christian Foamer


You are going to Hell


Dear Disgruntled Christian Foamer,

First off, I want to thank you for being concerned about my sleeping, but I can assure you that I sleep really well.

I hate to break it to you but there is nothing wrong with me- unless you somehow know about my current sunburn?  Although, I am worried this cut on my foot but I’m sure with some TLC it will be fine in a few days.

Now, I’m only a monster one night out of the year- yep! You guessed it- Halloween! Last year I was a witch so I’m not sure if I will go the monster route this year. Do you have any suggestions?

Currently my “mutant land shark” is sorting through his kibble and bits. He really is a picky eater and I’m 100% sure I’m not on his desired list of meals.

God blesses us all in one way shape or form, I mean, I bet you are “gifted” in some fashion. I hear you can fill your local bar with some greeeeeat techno from like… 1999.

Thanks for writing!


Foamer Talk


From what I hear- you can be a total Douchbag and a born again Christian at the same time- so I think I’ll be fine.

How to avoid Victim Blaming- according to Foamers


Victim Blaming. According to Foamers in the Foamer community, victim blaming is a growing epidemic- like crack and is just as damaging. The question is- how do you know if you are victim blaming? Well, we here at Foamer Talk are here to help you waddle through the confusing and murky waters of understanding the Foamer’s version of victim blaming.

Now, according to the real world-  the definition of Victim Blaming is pretty self explanatory.

” A social and psychological wherein the fault in a crime (rape, robbery, assault) is attributed to the victim.”

Now, when it comes to our beloved Foamers, it is a bit different and hopefully we can help you figure out how what Foamers mean when they cry victim blaming.


Disagreeing is a big no-no in the Foamer community and is usually met with name calling. It doesn’t matter if what they told you makes absolutely no sense whatever- if you disagree with them you are victim blaming.



This is huge because Foamers contradict themselves all the time. Here is a great example- “When a pit bull attacks it’s never the owners fault- but I hope you can sue the crap out of them.” or “Those nutters have all these fake profiles…….hold on why I log into my other fake profile to admin my hate page.” and of course “Those pit nutters are baby haters but we love children so much that we take pictures of children and make nasty meme’s and plaster them all over our hate pages…”


Basically, simplified- Drink the Kool-Aid and question nothing and you will never be called a dreaded victim blamer.


A Hard Life

I listen to Foamers whine. A lot. They whine about their mailman, their neighbors, their husbands, their ex husbands, their wives, ex wives, their children, their lack of children, politics, religion, black people, brown people, white people, gay people, straight people, men, women, friends, strangers, dogs, cats, cars, drugs, lack of drugs, too MUCH drugs, good weather, bad weather, jobs, lack of jobs, their internet, the boogy man,the tooth fairy, Santa clause, guns, too many guns, not enough guns, racists, non racists, conservatives, liberals, the moon, the sun, the air, the water, your soda, my soda, their lack of soda…. Just how hard their life is. They whine so much.

It’s like their lives are just soooo bad. Like not one single person has it as rough as them. You know those hungry folks in Africa that are suffering from starvation, war and Ebola? According to Foamers- even those poor fellas have it easy compared to them.

But then- I remember something John Wayne said-

That explains why Foamers have a much harder than everyone else’s….

Good Lord-

I’m not sure the majority of Foamers are capable of making any responsible choices when it comes to child care & parenting.

So, here is a vide (click here) – it’s obvious the parent is right there BUT it has caused heart palpitations for some Foamers.


Freda should be praying for herself, her girlfriend and who ever else is consumed by the Foamer toxicity.


Well, one of our infamous Foamers Elsie should be sitting in a mental hospital locked in the basement.
Elsie & Freda should be worrying about their own families- it seems that their family issues are spilling out…

Dear D-man

The first thing Foamers & BSL advocates say is- “BSL does not mean we come into your home and take your family dog that has had no issue and haul them off and kill them.” (Even though that is exactly what is happening.)

Maybe you think we are incredibly stupid and do not notice your violent tendencies towards our families and dogs, but rest assured- we do.

Maybe you have lied so many times that even you morons don’t even know what you are or what you want. You want public safety but advocate insane people running around with guns & knives shooting and stabbing dogs and people. You promote your victims advocacy yet you create new victims daily by your harassment & abuse. You don’t want to kill our family dogs but you promote open target practice on pit bulls/pit type dogs. You want parents/owners held accountable but ONLY If they promise to act uneducated and swear they never ever ever researched their pet before becoming a pet owner and just had no idea that leaving a small child with a dog is a bad idea. You want owners thrown in jail UNLESS they hop on your crazy train.

We get it- I get it- to be a successful Foamer/BSL advocate you have to be a lying, murderous, narcissistic piece of crap. What you are not are reasonable, socially acceptable, responsible, sane individuals you attempt to be seen as (don’t worry- everyone see’s through your nonsense..).

………………………… The World

*in response to D-mans post of stupidity


The wrath of a Moron

Elsie Delaney. One of the biggest morons in the Foamer community. Not only is she hostile to semi sane Foamers she is also know for her hilarious rants.

First- someone dares to disagree with her about vaccines- for both animals AND humans.

A topic that has ZERO to do with pit bulls and pit bull apologists suddenly turns into exactly that- and to even throw a bit more insanity into the convo- she starts insulting fellow Foamers!

Way to go, Elsie! Go ahead- keep attacking someone who is actually semi sane promoting BSL!

Adults having a discussion? Not sure this is how adults discuss things…


So, even though Laila is very much NOT pro pit but because she disagreed with Elsie than…. She is now pro pit?

Wait- she’s not done! So, in another convo where Foamers are comparing pit bulls to high powered weapons – a well known Foamer who finds this convo upsetting states-

You know- because some people don’t want to talk gun shop with some crazy violent people.

Yeah Diane- how dare YOU not go with the gun crazy Foamer flow.
What the heck is Ammosexual??

And Elsie is offended. Offended by a convo that absolutely nothing to do with her. Offended by two different people.
But that doesn’t stop the epic rant of bat shit craziness!




(Yes…. Go ahead and follow this moron over to page to rant about it!)



YEAH! Shame on you for disagreeing….

Calm down Elsie— your insanity is spilling over..