

The term Foamertisim combines “Foamer” & “Narcissism” stems from the Foamertalk community. This unique
term was coined by some random word generator that used two words that described extreme BSL advocates.

Narcissism is defined as a “psychological condition characterized by self-preoccupation , lack of empathy , and im conscience deficits in self esteem.” When you describe one of the many possible mental disorders of a Hard core Foamer- Narcissism is usually one of the first one mentioned.

Foamertisim was coined to describe the classic Foamer who does not apologize for their stalking, harassing, verbal (sometimes physical) assaults or solicit real facts from any reputable source. Ever.

The reaction the majority of society has when encountering a Foamer is universal. A total shock & horror usually over come the normal person. Disgust and the urge to acid wash their brains with the fear of Foamer contamination soon follow.


” I remember the day of my Foamer Attack. I still suffer from twitches at the thought of it. I made the mistake of liking a picture of a cute puppy on Facebook and the next think I knew my inbox was being bombarded by complete strangers telling me that I feed babies to pit bulls.” – Jackie Victim of a Foamer Attack

” I will be honest, I have a lot of anger towards Foamers. They took pictures of my children and pasted horrible things over them. I felt violated & when asked them to remove them they just laughed!” – Megan – Victim of a Foamer Attack

“You do realize I have a Masters degree in information Science and I’m not going to research my so called facts to answer your questions. If you want me to show you the proof/studies that support my “facts” – I will need a 100$ retainer fee”- Renee ( a Foamer with degree that basically equates to a under paid librarian.)

“Rapists, serial killers, terrorist and pit bulls. Same thing! Make sure YOU ARE LEGALLY ARMED! POW POW!” – Irene “GET LEGALLY ARMED” Foamer

“Look, I’m not a asshole or a pedophile. Sure, I made some sexual perverted comment to a 12 year old BUT who really knows if she was 12? She could’ve been 14. I don’t want to rip your dogs from your home and kill them, at least not personally. I just prefer to have other people do it. I don’t get why strangers just don’t let me harass them for owning a breed I hate. Why haven’t they apologized to ME? Why do they argue with ME when I tell them that everything that is wrong is their fault? I just feel picked on.” – Jeff the Pity me Foamer

“I made the mistake of actually having experience with multiple breeds of dogs and am considered a professional. I was suddenly attacked because I mentioned that yes, genetics can play a role with aggression and problems with dogs but also Environment. Their attack was brutal. Yes- I was mauled by Foamers.- Nancy – victim of a Foamer Attack

Until you understand that Foamers really don’t care about you, the community and they definitely hate your dog- you will never understand the Foamer problem. They kind of are like cockroaches in a run down apartment hoarded with spoiled food. With one click of a key on a keyboard they scatter around social media stalking people. Race, age, gender- they are not picky. As long as you have a sane thought they will always be lurking after you.


But fear not- unlike the cockroach (who are far higher on the likeable chart than foamers.)- Foamers can be dealt with and with the proper tools & a sense of humor they will choke on their own hate and implode. It happens daily so just kick back and watch the fireworks.

Foamer Breed Identifier Unit

Foamers are experts. Experts at every gosh darn thing. ESPECIALLY when it pertains to dogs. In fact- they can identify what a breed of dog is by carefully examining a random pile of dog poop with their Walmart CSI kits.

Lets watch these experts in action:

The Case of WTH kind of dog is this.

The Dog in question-


What does the actual rescue say about this dog?

HOLY BATMAN FOLKS! Are they describing a mutt??? A dog with multiple breeds all smoothed into one??

Well- Fear not!!! The Foamer Super Sleuthing Experts are here to save the day!!!!
What does Detective Steele deduce from the picture?

Huh. Are you as impressed by her sleuthing skills as we are? Lets see what the rest of the Foamer gang says…

Yeah- totally despicable. I mean, according to Lucy ( a professional foamer breed identifier) it could possibly be part GSD, but then it totally looks like it could be mixed with a bully breed dog ( totally not the mastiff that was mentioned in the rescuers description…) but according to her breed identifier downloaded off ran by the Top Dog Expert Jeff D Borchardt should just be called a pit bull/pit mix. ( According to our inside sources, their residential psychic Colleen Lynn, has predicted this dog will be 100% guaranteed to go all “pit” and is so sure of it she already typed up the anticipated attack date and ready to post it to

Now we see the Foamer gang wrapping up their investigation-



All rescuers are liars, this cute pooch is 100% pit bull or ATLEAST 82% pit that has been slated by them to go “pit” one day and should be euthanized instead of adopting. Just to be safe. Also- don’t make fun of Obama. It offends Detective Sabra Steele.